This episode is all about the magic and pure value of the reflective process. Have you ever reached a goal and moved immediately from the worlds shortest 'congrats' straight to forming the next goal? Do you usually skip 'celebrating' meeting a goal?  Culturally (in America) it's fair to say we don't place a lot of value on stopping to celebrate even the smallest successes.

As a coach with your clients, or as a human having met a goal, if you don't spend much time celebrating OR looking back on the moments that got you to the finish line, this episode is for you. There is so much to be learned from taking a pause and reflecting on the moments along the way.  What is observed in this pause often becomes the key to our future successes.

In this episode we do just that with your hosts Vimla & Lisa. (Episode 3) returns to help us celebrate, reflect, and get curious, but not actually coach us after meeting our goals of creating 10 episodes of our podcast Coaching Confidential just for play. 

In this episode you'll hear a "coach-like" conversation not an ACTUAL coaching session. Can you spot the difference?

#goals #celebrating #lookingback #postgame #appreciation #notcoaching #coach-like #laughter #relationshipcoaching #systemcoaching #mywhy #boundaries #noflyzone 

If you would like to sample coaching for yourSelf, CONTACT US.

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