Glen Willet is the Worship and Discipleship Pastor at Westminster Baptist Church in Westminster Maryland.  He is an experienced church planter, a gifted musician, and a topnotch teacher of the Word.  Glen has been married to his wife, Barbara for 37 years. They have three sons and three grand kids.

Glen Touched On

God has used Glen to make a long-term impact through short-term missions.  Glen does this through the training of local national pastors and through a long-term commitment to one local community. Glen also shares how he has ministered to the homeless in the Baltimore and Westminster areas.


Glen recommended three books to help you develop a short-term mission program.

Unfinished by Richard Stearns When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert Glocalization by Bob Roberts Jr. Contact Info

Glen can be reached at [email protected]

What We Learned

I had three takeaways from our conversation with Glen Willet.

Missions can be in your backyard.  Glen's work with the homeless in Baltimore and in Westminster is eye opening.  The homeless are an invisible people living in your community.  They're invisible because we tend to look right past them.  Invisible people can be the homeless or an immigrant community.  What can we do then to reach these people? First look around and find them.  Then develop a long-term plan to reach out. Impact will be made not with one evangelistic event but when you invest for the long haul. Short-term missions can have a long-term impact when you focus on those that will be there for the long-term.  Glen and his team are training Haitian pastors.  Many many years from now, when Glen can no longer make that trip, these pastors will still be serving.  To make a long-term impact you must focus on those that will be there long-term. And I would encourage you focus on pastors. Finally, focus your short-term trips on one community for the long-term.  It may be short-term for your church people, but because you are involved with one community it will have a long-term impact. Subscribe

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