Darren Christopher Rowland (DCR) D.H.F N.A.S.M is an Award-Winning VIP Life Coach that Specializes in Permanent Weight Loss. His expertise in this area comes from over 25 years of experience practicing in the fields of exercise Physiology and Nutrition. For nearly a decade, he has Coached VIPs both Nationally and Internationally on Successful Weight Management. He has earned International Recognition and several Awards including Best London Life Coach 2018, Best UK Life Coach 2019 & Best International Life Coach 2020.

When your green you grow, and when you ripen you rot.
- Ray Kroc

Darren’s Book
Only For The Serious Permanent Weight Loss

Darren’s Favorite Book
Man’s Search for Meaning
by Viktor Frankl



- Signature Program
Are you still charging by the hour? Do you have a signature program? If you don’t you are leaving a ton of money on the table. Signature coaching or consulting programs are centered on helping the client achieve a targeted transformation, in a specific time-frame. Package your services and sell what your clients really want and are willing to pay more for. Download our complimentary guide here: How to Design a Signature Coaching or Consulting Program

- Client Generation
Get clients knocking on your door and never have to chase clients again. Imagine never be wondering, where your next clients are going to come from. Interested in how to generate 5, 10 even 20 new “High Ticket” coaching or consulting clients every single month?

Join the workshop here.

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