Veronica Monet, ACS is an internationally acclaimed Relationship Coach, Sexologist, and Anger Specialist. CNN, FOX, Politically Incorrect, Yale, and Stanford are just a few of the news and educational institutions that have hosted Veronica for her forward-thinking insights and expertise. Veronica is the founder of The Shame Free Zone and the Exquisite Partnership Formula™

Veronica’s Books
Sex Seekers of Escorts
Love Lust and Romance
The Truth is Always Better

Veronica’s Favorite Books
Diet For A New America
by John Robbins

Women’s Anatomy of Arousal
by Sheri Winston



- Signature Program
Are you still charging by the hour? Do you have a signature program? If you don’t you are leaving a ton of money on the table. Signature coaching or consulting programs are centered on helping the client achieve a targeted transformation, in a specific time-frame. Package your services and sell what your clients really want and are willing to pay more for. Download our complimentary guide here: How to Design a Signature Coaching or Consulting Program

- Client Generation
Get clients knocking on your door and never have to chase clients again. Imagine never be wondering, where your next clients are going to come from. Interested in how to generate 5, 10 even 20 new “High Ticket” coaching or consulting clients every single month?

Join the workshop here.

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