Guess what? Stuff happens.

As a triathlete, cyclist, or runner, if you swim, bike, and/or run fairly often, you are going to have some bad days here and there. Some that are out of your control and some that you could have prevented. It's inevitable. Happens to the best in the world, and the newbie alike.

The 3 most important things you can hold on to when coping with a crap day are:

1. You’ll learn more from a bad day than a good day...any day.

2. Not one single day, workout, or race defines you as an athlete.

3. Weakness = opportunity

So this week we plan to make lemonade out of lemons and talk through some tips and strategies that we use with our athletes for dealing with those down right shhhhhh....bad days.

Shout Outs!

Cliff Abeles - 2nd AG 12 Overall Possumtown Triathlon

Jamie Bailey - 1st Overall Female Possumtown Triathlon

Hart Robinson - TN State MTB Champ! Pro Division

David Collins - 3rd Single Speed TN State MTB Championship

Willis Porter - New Power Bests

Good Luck!

Dragonfly Triathlon

Rocketman Triathlon

Traverse City 70.3

Yeoju Half Distance Tri (South Korea)