Some cyclist, runners, and triathletes just are not morning people. Which is odd, because most races start at the butt crack of dawn. But generally speaking, if you don't knock out some training in the early morning, the chances of it happening diminish with every hour that passes. So on this episode we are going to give you some tips and methods on how you can change and create new routines that can lead to the incredibly efficient and productive habit of....getting your butt out of bed. If you are prisoner to warm blankets and snuggles, then you NEED to check out this episode to break the chains and actually get your training in. Hey, they are your goals not ours. So let's make it happen and start getting the worm on this episode of Coaches on Couches!

Shout Outs! CJ Neff - Bentonville 20/20 3rd place

Announcements: We are launching our Memphis 70.3 Training Group January 6th. If you are interested, check out

You can still join us for the HOP Cycling Indoor Program via the recorded sessions. Find out more at