Simply put, there is an insane amount of conflicting information out there in the world of nutrition right now. The confusion is multiplied for cyclist, runners, and triathletes that think they are already doing a pretty good job with their day to day nutrition. Plant based? Ketogenic? Vegetarian? Whole 30? Beach Body? Kangatarian? WTF!? It's a thing.

In this episode we are going to try to wade through all the BS and give you the major points that will actually provide benefit to your health and performance as an endurance athlete. We'll also provide our big tips for small changes that make big differences.

So if you've watched every food documentary out there and want to jump through a window, give us a listen before you do something stupid.

Shout Outs!
Liz Hall - 4 mile PR
Hart Robinson - 5k PR in a trail race