In this video, we will be educating you on our 3-step campaign that will help you to bring in more leads as an online personal trainer. 


Step #1: Building an audience-building campaign.

The issue you are most likely running into right now is trying to get people who DO NOT know you, to KNOW you. 

You need to be attracting the RIGHT people who will actually buy your service. You need to be catering to people that you are wanting to and can help. 

You need to implement two different tactics to successfully carry out step 1. 

Tactic #1: You need to build the way you “message”. In other words, you need to master your sales pitch on why you have the solution to their problem. There are hundreds of thousands of personal trainers, why are you special?


Tactic #2: Now that you have your message built, where are you promoting that message? You need both of these tactics to coincide with each other to be successful. Have the RIGHT message in the RIGHT place.

Here is a fantastic example, what would happen if you put a fitness billboard in a rice paddy? Absolutely nothing, you need to be promoting yourself in the correct area for success.


Step #2: Having a relationship-building campaign. 


Many people take the wrong approach of trying to go for the kill right away or looking for a sale immediately. Shoving their service packages down the lead’s throat, losing the sale in the end. 

Find a way to build relationships while not being friend-zoned, at the end of the day likes or comments will not pay the bills. We need to dedicate time to building a relationship that may be beneficial. 


Step #3: Set Up an application-building campaign


We have to start transitioning the marketing into sales and leads into clients. 



Is what you are giving to them ACTUALLY VALUABLE to them? AND do they know that?


You need to have a HIGH CONVERTING OFFER, is your message communicating across as an absolute no-brainer that people are wanting to come on board and use you as their coach?