There are two questions I want us to answer in this video 1. Is this bullshit? 2. If not, then how has it done it?

With 178 current customers, Aaron is making roughly $137k a month. He runs a subscription-based plan. There are 15 employees, 14 trainers, and one tech guy.

From $300 to over $137k per month, is absolutely incredible, to say the least. We want to highlight the main things to do as an online coach to be able to scale your business to this level.

One of the bigger issues when it comes to being an online trainer is struggling to find new clients and securing the sale with those leads. Without being able to find the correct target audience and make the actual sale, you have no income. Whether you need to have ads or create content, either way, you MUST be reaching an audience for potential leads.

You need to ALWAYS be studying how to be a better trainer. It does not matter how long you have been in the industry or how much you THINK you know. You can still be studying and learning about the fitness industry and new training studies. To have an excellent service, you must be enhancing your knowledge.

If you find yourself in the position of needing to hire employees, hire people that are BETTER than you. Whether it is skills or knowledge, hire people who can do a better job than you can.