Personal trainers have been taught that they should be charging based on their time. This is the WORST way to earn the money you want while impacting lives and achieving financial freedom.

A famous quote called “The Time for Money Trap” states “The secret to wealth is simple. Find a way to do more for others than anyone else does. Become more valuable. Do more. Give more. Be more. Serve more. And you will have the opportunity to earn more.” - Tony Robbins

Let’s be honest, there is a ceiling to your success when you are selling your most precious asset, YOUR TIME. There are only so many clients you can see in a day; there's only so much you can really charge per session.

You need to change from the OLD broken model to the new one to go beyond that ceiling. With our proven step-by-step system, you will be able to work smarter not harder. You will have YOUR time back and more money than you could’ve imagined. Remember, millionaires work smarter NOT harder than the average Joe.