You were lied to. 

The path you were promised as a coach seemed great on paper. 

Impact lives. Have fun every day. Earn a living. 

But… then what? 

Continue trading time for money at the gym until you’re the 70 year old at the gym still teaching people how to squat? 

Make an extra couple grand a month by taking on more clients, but give away your life in the process? 

The traditional model of coaching is fundamentally broken. 

And I had to learn this the hard way. 

Which is why I made the scary, but necessary shift to online coaching. 

As painful as it is to realize you’re on a false path that won’t get you the freedom, and a truly scalable business that you desire - I’ve got you covered. 

Here’s how to make the shift from trading your invaluable time for money, to living the life you’ve always wanted. 

By the way, we recorded another episode on how to 4X your income while working half as much. 

If you want to listen to that episode, simply click here.

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