You might think you're doing everything in your fitness business the “right” way, following what all the gurus and PT business schools are teaching about fitness coaching. But if you’re stuck working 'round the clock, you’ll never be able to set yourself free. That’s where the Genius Model comes in.

I want to share with you the 9 SIMPLE and ESSENTIAL steps that every fitness business owner needs in order to be successful. If you feel like you have a job, rather than a business, then listen up!

Why are the 9 steps in this fitness coaching business model so important? Well, the Genius Model takes all of the guesswork out of the process by breaking it down into its components.

And let’s face it. With all of the various fitness business models out there being sold by “gurus,” it can get confusing. There are hundreds of things you could be doing to try and get more clients. You could be trying to get a website up and running, set up a sales funnel, or maybe even shoot videos or post on social media.

But really, all you need to focus on is attracting leads, converting those leads into clients, and then delivering amazing results. And for each of those three parts, you can break it down even further.

Once you know exactly what it is you need to be working on, the path to scaling your fitness business becomes super clear. This 9-step model helps you with that and makes all other fitness coaching business models moot.

If you want to have more impact AND more freedom, look no further. Use this model to take your business to the next level!


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