What is it that you actually NEED to be doing to build and grow your online fitness business?

As a fitness professional, there's a ton of things you could be doing to promote your fitness business. You could be posting on social media, setting up a LinkedIn account, putting up Facebook ads...the list is endless! But the truth is that there's only a few things that'll truly bring you leads and help you deliver great fitness results to your clients.

When I was still establishing my online fitness business, someone who was mentoring me actually changed my life by giving me some mind-blowing advice. I was able to see more clearly what I needed to do on a cycle to cycle basis.

When building and scaling your business as a fitness professional, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

1. Are you generating leads?
2. Are you nurturing the leads you generated?
3. Are you closing sales?
4. Are you delivering the required fitness coaching?
5. Are you able to retain and upsell to your existing customer base?

Before joining the Coaches Cartel, one of my clients, Holly, used to do A LOT to build her online fitness business but wasn’t seeing the returns on her hard work. However, after starting the 5 Driver Process, everything changed!

Watch the whole video to see how a fitness professional like you can transform and grow your online fitness business, so you can make high ticket sales and deliver quality fitness results to your clients.


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