In order to build a successful online fitness business, you need to know how to convert leads. Every fitness pro wants to get coaching clients fast — but how do you actually do it?

The answer is that it comes down to your systems. Systems are the backbone of your business. Specifically there are four of them that you need to have in place if you really want to experience massive growth.

The first is a system for traffic. How do you get people who don't know you to know you? There are tons of different places where you can get your leads. The key is to figure out what your ONE traffic source is going to be.

Another crucial system for your online fitness business is the lead magnet. How do you create the “know, like, and trust factor”? The more that people start to trust you, the easier it will be to get coaching clients fast.

Third is conversions. How do you turn a lead into the client? Again, there are so many ways to do this, but focus on just one method.

The fourth system, the follow-up, is often overlooked by fitness professionals. This step is super important because when you stay in contact with your leads, it keeps you top of mind.

If there’s one secret to incorporating these systems into your online fitness business, it’s to focus on a single strategy. When you really dig deep into one method, you’ll be surprised at your ability to get coaching clients FAST.


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