If you want to sell high ticket online fitness programs, then you’re going to have to master building relationships with your prospective fitness clients. And to do that, you’ll need to learn about creating an effective client funnel.

You’ve probably heard of a sales funnel or client funnel, right? Well, the way a traditional funnel works is that leads come in at the top, work their way down, and eventually sign on as clients.

Now, there are a few things you need to understand about setting up your sales or client funnel. The top of the funnel is made up of the people who don't know you. These people are skeptical.

In the middle, you have people who are curious about your program. Your job is to build customer relationships with these prospective fitness clients, so you can convert the skeptics into believers.

One of the biggest mistakes I see fit pros make is simply throwing stuff out on their website or on social media, and then just saying, "buy my stuff". But that just won't work.

To make sure your campaigns work, you need 3 things: an audience filling campaign, a funnel filling campaign, and an application filling campaign.

Once you have all of these components in place, it’ll be super simple to sell high ticket online fitness programs because your prospective fitness clients will have gotten to know you. That’s why you have your client funnel — to build customer relationships and ease them into buying your program.

And if you don't have your client funnel set up just yet and want some help with your campaign, don’t hesitate to call us for a chat!


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