For the Personal Trainer and Fit Pro: who can take on 10+ high ticket online clients in 30 days or less…


Have you ever said to yourself, “I really need to get more online clients?”


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you already know that making the switch to online coaching gives you...


💰 Uncapped Earnings... You can earn WAY more money than training 1:1 clients in a gym. 


🌎 More Freedom... You can coach your clients from anywhere and anytime you want (No more 6am clients).


😎 Impact More People... I could only see 8-9 clients a day when in the gym. Now you can help 100s or 1000s. 


But if you like most good coaches, you're probably thinking...


“How do you set everything up so I can get new clients each week?”


You NEVER have to worry about any of this. 


We’ve got this down to a science... and we can give you every step. 


In this episode I walk you through the exact 3-step system that turns strangers into high ticket fitness clients.


The results of our coaches using this method are nothing short of amazing.


As the easiest next step is book in your free 1:1 Strategy Session with me and my team, so we can set up your 90-day “new clients” plan.


Here’s how to see for yourself...


1️⃣ Click This Link  to watch the Case Study:


2️⃣ Apply on the Thank You page. 


3️⃣ Schedule a call with my and my team to get a custom game-plan. 


See you on the inside,




P.S. How would your life change with an extra 20-30 High Ticket Clients..? You’ll find out here


FREE: Join the Fitness Business Success Circle to access the training guides and join the other coaches here -