You want more success or more freedom, or more money—yeah?

But, WHY do you not already have it..?

Is it a MINDSET problem.., Or -

Is it a MODELS problem..?

Before we answer this, I need to share you where I screwed up.

My book “Your First 100 Clients” was written was all the tactics and strategies to build an online business (the MODELS).

But I did not include the MINDSET and that's where I screwed up.  As this is why I’m seeing people get “stuck” in not bridging the gap between where they are, and the life they ultimately want.

Your mindset is one of the biggest factors when it comes you achieving or NOT-achieving whatever it is you want in life.  This has been a very common thread throughout so many of the interviews and episode I've been bringing you.

We delve into:

How to break free of limiting beliefs.

What it really means for when you are committed to achieving whatever it is you want.

The importance of what you should and need to be doing each day to re-shape your body, earn more more, be happier, etc.

The exact steps you can start today so that you turn your mindset around to open up the flood gates of success.

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