1:11 - Exciting news for Kasey.1:56 - Trying to keep ecological dynamics as a part of Kasey’s coaching style.Guiding set of principles3:45 - Introduction to visual occlusion.Anticipating faster7:51 - Explaining Gaze behavior and how visual occlusion is used to help develop it. Active v. passive gazeIntercepting objects10:08 - Why should athletes take time away from studying and visualizing patterns of movements?11:32 - Finding better information by occluding everything else besides a specific habit or skill.Can also occlude one specific thing, and leave the rest available to be focused on.12:47 - In the scope of baseball, how can coaches implement occlusion training to develop faster reactions.14:56 - Explaining the infrared beam, and how Andy uses it.16:14 - Implementing occlusion training with a low budget.Techniques that Kasey has found to be effective.Strobe goggles..22:04 - John’s application of the strobe goggles in practicing serve receive and defense.Kasey’s clarification for the listeners.28:16 - Specifying the benefit of using occlusion training to give athletes up to date information

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