In this episode Coach Troshak asks Coach Cramer about some of his player development strategies. Coach Cramer works with thousands of players from around the U.S. each year ranging from pro's to youth players.


Deliberate Practice. Block Training. Randomized Training
Techniques for players and coaches
Specific VS. General needs of teams and players
Developing a foundation
Skill development essentials

Cramer Basketball’s mission is to provide the highest level of player development through detailed instruction, personal motivation, innovative skill development, and challenging each player to think the game on a higher level. Cramer’s foundation is based on faith, passion, service and sacrifice not only in the game of basketball but in life.
Cramer uses his passion for the game and his love of teaching to provide skill development that is rarely, if at all, found. His many life experiences through the years both as a player, coach, and teacher, combined with his faith, strong work ethic, and attention to detail, not only enhance a players individual skill, but also teach them lifelong values.
Cramer seeks to give players a better understanding of the game of basketball and the tools to understand and enjoy the process of improvement. Through this process, players gain the knowledge of what it takes to train on their own at a high and efficient level.
Cramer teaches players how to enhance all aspects of their game as well as athletic development, leadership characteristics, and understanding of the game.
Cramer provides various types of skill camps, and team, individual, and small group training. He is also available for speaking and demonstrations.
Train with Coach Cramer online at
Online Training:


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