Keys to Fun, Success & Winning Part 5 

Coaching through Teaching, Demonstration & Progression
Coaching Special Teams – Do not forget the 3rd phase of football

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Coaching through Teaching, Demonstration & Progression

Make sure you teach not just Coach blowing ur whistle & yelling we need to block.
Respect your players, not boss them around. Be Disciplined not a Tyrant. Encourage
Motivate, involve, include and create and atmosphere of FUN but Win too. 
Reward more and often rather than punish too many Coaches want wind sprints.
This is youth football and society is changing, its not old Bear Bryant anymore
To teach you must become an expert, what football info did you learn last & when?
Teaching is communication. People start learn after 3 to 5 sessions. 
Repeat same thing multiple times and say it a little differently each time. 
Be open to answering questions, sending out info and YouTube videos – Zoom
I started writing my youth football playbooks to become an expert -> teaching
Coaches demonstrate the skill.  You must know football and played to be great
Demo on a bag, another coach or one of your big lineman. Show them they can
Break skill down into steps or Progression teaching try not to overload them
Prog. Blocking Example  - Stance, Steps, Hands, Engagement, Drive, & Finish
Continued reps and training – require and expect everyone to get better
Test and Evaluate in Scrimmages and Games – Continuous learning

Youth Football Special Teams - Key to Winning More Games

Kick Off – 

Onside Kicks most popular
Deep kicks allow for long returns dangerous unless practice
Kick to a MPP or big lineman with no hands
Find a soccer player on your team to try out for kicker
Practice kicks 20 reps before practice 10 to 15 yard kicks to 2nd line near sideline
Accuracy over Distance

Kick Return – 

Hands and Speed
Hands team only
Do not hide MPPS here – it will cost you
Trap Kick Return
Assign players to block bu numbers system
Watch film and find out where opponent will kick; short deep right left etc

Punt – 

only within your 10 or 20.  
Most dangerous play in youth football
Too many variables – snap, kick, return coverage, open field tackles
We tend to fake punt more
Rugby Punt
Quick Kicks on 3rd down so opponent doesn’t put stud RB back

Punt Return – 

no one touch the ball but your hands guy if drops in his hands
Punt block
If return best hands person and only if ball drops in his hands
Unless they have good punter drop two back to field the ball and let them block for each other
Lost a few games to this issue fumbling PR

PAT Kicks / Field Goals –

Great if have kicker / Soccer player
Big OLM work too – straight leg kicks
Fakes work great too holder best RB back
Some leagues PAT Kicks worth 2 points – make it worth it
Must be 60% positive percentage to make worthwhile. 
Practice Practice Reps


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