Had a message today to get out and it turned into that and more when I went out to get my haircut today. Pulling into the parking lot - "Who Are You" by The Who came on. So, I recorded a few seconds of it... because it struck me, who am I? All these different hats that I wear - husband, father, son, brother, uncle, teacher, basketball coach, entrepreneur, success coach, Christian, neighbor, friend, and the list goes on and on. No matter what hat I wear, no matter what hat you wear - two things were on my mind about this. First - I'm trying to get better at all of those... I'm looking to improve - do more & get better has been a rallying cry for me for a long time. Second... all of us have challenges and difficulties in our lives - no matter what hat we have on. Sam Crowley's recent Sunday Spiritual Podcast - "Endure Hardship As Discipline" - what a great podcast first of all since he mentions that in all the difficulties that we go through valuable lessons in those hardships. There are lessons to be learned and things that can help us get better.

My buddy Jeff Lip and I had a great conversation today about that very subject. I stopped into school after having breakfast with another friend and co-worker Rich Popp - such motivational and uplifting conversations that really got me thinking about today's topic. Hope you find a little something there today that will help you - as always - keep in touch. Find me on my FB page at Coach To Expect Success - Always interested to converse and see how we can help each other with things we got going on in our lives!