Wow - Fired Up on a Sunday - the last Sunday of July. Still amazing how fast time is going by. I guess it's just another & constant reminder that I need to (we all do) spend my time going after my dreams, goals and passions in life... for we are all running out of time. Just because it's summer and just because some of us have been done with "school" for years - we need to remember that school is always in session. The teacher is life!! Life is always teaching us lessons.... Success leaves clues... each day. It's our job to be aware and awake enough to catch those lessons and to do something with them to help ourselves get to the success we want to have in life.

Great lessons to share with you today!! If you find value in this podcast - share it with others. Leave me with a lot of stars so others can find this too. Let's start a conversation about things too. Find me on Facebook - my page = coachtoexpectsuccess and find me on Twitter: @coachtosuccess