Relationships - with today's technology there is really no reason to not keep up with them and to keep in touch with people that you care about. It's become apparent to me that I need to do a better job at this in my life Just found yesterday about a friend of mine that I grew up with just recently passed away earlier this year from cancer. Erin was a neighbor - 2 houses away - and a friend and she was my senior prom date too. I sure did not do a great job at all keeping in touch with her over the years. She is one that I needed to thank, simply for being a part of my life and now it's too late. I'm sitting in a rest area on my way to some technology training for school - listening to John O'Leary's podcasts - yes... the author of "On Fire"... you NEED to get that book.

Relationships are a big part of his book and his podcasts.... I had to stop and not only use the bathroom... but I needed to get this podcast recorded as it was heavy on my mind and heart. Please - drop me some comments on my Facebook page - Coach To Expect Success... there are so many things that we can help each other with and others. Thanks for listening and spreading the word about my podcasts.. much love and appreciation for you tuning in.