Fired Up on a Friday - running a couple of quick errands - stopped for a great breakfast special at Leo's Coney Island. Recording some thoughts in my car before I leave to stop by a couple of more places. Reviewing my notes from Sam Crowley's live event back in June in Cincinnati - wow.... so powerful to re-read or re-watch things as it always is the case I get new insights and new ideas from old materials.... it's all due to the fact that I'm not the same person as I read or watch something again.

Tons of nuggets came to me today - especially the fact that I need to continue to increase believe and confidence in myself since the things I do affect others. The same goes for you too. Look to increase your confidence and belief in yourself in going for your dreams and goals. What you do affects others for sure - every day!! Let's talk - let's have some discussions on the importance of Master Mind groups... find your way over to my Facebook page: Coach To Expect Success - Look for many new and exciting features on that page that will hopefully inspire and engage you to become the best you can be.

I'm fired up... I hope you are too.. if you are not, how can I help you get there or at least get started. :-)