I’ve been going to Physical Therapy lately - all from my recent surgery & it’s been a tough go, but I’m realizing a few things.  First - I’ve come a long way from where I was before the surgery.  I’m older now (of course) and there are things that used to come easy to me, but now I need to focus and work harder at.  I also was able to have a new “view” while on the table at PT getting treatment. They have these couple of skylights in the ceiling where I get worked on. While laying on my back and looking up through the skylight, I was reminded about being a kid, and it hit me a few different ways - which was really eye-opening for me.  Maybe you can find some time to look up in the sky too.  Thanks for listening.  Please take a few moments to subscribe & share this with someone, also leave a 5 Star rating on Apple Podcasts and ITunes or other services where you find this show.  Find me on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/coachtoexpectsuccess/   on Twitter / “X”:  @coachtosuccess   and on Instagram at:  @coachjohndaly  - My YouTube Channel is at: Coach John Daly.   Email me at: [email protected]     You can also head on over to https://www.coachtoexpectsuccess.com/ and get in touch with me there on my homepage along with checking out my Top Book list too.  Other things there on my site are being worked on too.  Please let me know that you are reaching out to me from my podcast.  

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