BONUS!! School starts tomorrow and it's always a good idea to review lessons learned from before. Tons of lessons learned this summer and I wanted to highlight just a few of them in this episode - a Bonus 2 For Monday Special!!

The people I got connected to this summer were so amazing and life-changing. I came away from meeting an extraordinary group at Sam Crowley's event back in June. Amazing people around us all the time - it's about time I connected with some and this was that for me. Another valuable lesson - the time factor and thanking people in our lives. I found out too late about a friend's passing this summer as she died in February. I never got the chance to thank her for the impact she made on me in my life and I now know that putting things off and waiting to connect with people are not something I want to go through again. So valuable - painful too.

Finally - books!! I loved reading as a kid and then I let it go for a while. I picked it up again in my 30's, then let it go again. Now I got that back and WOW! I know I have to keep this going. So much value in reading good books and taking the information that you got from someone else - their experiences, ups and downs - and then apply them to your own life without having to live the years it took them to figure things out. That is pure gold for sure!! So, remember - learning never stops. Going back to school is just not for kids... and school is always in session. It's called life and it's all around us all the time.

Remember to keep in touch on Facebook: On Twitter: @coachtosuccess and on my website: