Having a DreamBIG is like having a craving for your favourite dish from your favourite restaurant. Once you get it in your head you cant stop thinking about it. You want it so bad you can almost taste it. It takes over your entire thought process and no matter what you eat in it’s place your appetite is never satisfied. Your DreamBIG is the same. You can accomplish other things, get an opportunity here and there but you will never be truly happy till your DreamBIG is fulfilled. I use to go to this New York Style Pizza place called Nat’s in Kitsalano Vancouver. I would order their 1/2 order of spaghetti bolognas with side salad every week when I was in the neighbourhood.  I was obsessed with the flavour of the red sauce and the salad was perfectly seasoned every time. I would peer over the counter into the kitchen in the hopes that I would see what kind of tomatoes they used in their sauce. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t create the colour or flavour of this rich and tangy sauce. I would ask the owner Frank a question each week about how he made the sauce or how much oregano he used in the salad. No matter how much information I had I still could not recreate the flavours. Right now may not be the time for you to be launching your DreamBIG. There are bigger fish to fry with the stresses and unknown that is in the world today. But that doesn’t mean that you cant start to pick out the recipe for your DreamBIG. The recipe is a list of all the things you will need to create your desired outcome. The more detail your recipe has the better chance you have at creating exactly what you want to accomplish. But what if you have the the perfect precise recipe for a kick ass life but don’t have all the ingredients? Or you have all the ingredients but your recipe is flawed. Even if you have the right recipe and all the ingredients you can still screw it up. How is this possible. You still need the right technique and a bit of luck for a perfect outcome! This is why I created my Mentorship 9 years ago. I saw way too many professionals with incredible ingredients but they were missing a recipe that would utilize each ingredient to its fullest. Others had a recipe that they copied off someone else who had success with it but they were missing a few key ingredients to yield the same end result. Finally there were the frustrated ones who worked hard to gather their ingredients, had the recipe in detail but failed at the execution due to poor technique or bad timing. You can practice making gravy a 100 times and maybe perfect it or you could speed up the process and ask Grandma to show you how she does it. That is Mentorship! The more often you test your systems, master your skills and tweak your delivery, the closer you will get to your DreamBIG. Again this is not the time to launch your DreamBIG to the world. But it is a great time to test and tinker with all the tangibles that make up your DreamBIG so when your opportunity does come and the timing is right you are ready to launch. Its like practicing making Thanksgiving turkey in August as you prepare for the family coming to your home in November! Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  We are holding our next Coach Glass Mentorship this January. Talk about kicking 2021off on a good foot! If you want to be a part of the Coach Glass Mentorship family, its simple, apply and tighten your seatbelt. More info and application at https://www.jasonglasslab.com/mentorship Want to improve your athletic ability using neuromuscular training? Sign up for either my LoadXplode 16 Week or High TripleXity 8 Week Programs.  Both programs are comprehensive online follow along training programs, ready to help take your game tot he next level. Simply go to http://jasonglasslab.com  I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. Perform Better @perform_better  http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. MyTPI http://www.mytpi.com/certification/seminar-calendar for upcoming dates and event. Without them I wouldn’t be able to afford the time and produce the podcast to the level we do each and every week.