The Mentorship Podcast, the series where my former Mentoree becomes my Mentor. In this edition we have Sergey Nazarov @solid.sergey who was one of my first Mentorees and since then has been not only a Mentor but a great friend. From his humble beginnings in communist Russia, he excelled to become a National Team Member for acrobatics and then took his talents to Cirque De Soleil. His performance centre Fitnastika @fitnastika in Vancouver BC is producing the next generation of world class tennis players (Canadian National Team Strength Coach), NHL hockey players, golfers and fencing champions to name a few. His energy is infectious, he inspires you to be better through his actions and will blow your mind with his ability to Dream Bigger and Overdeliver on it! He took his dream to the Dragon’s Den @CBCdragon (Canada’s Shark Tank) with his product @Akuspike which I personally use and love! If you want to order an Acuspike product my man Sergey has done us a solid and gave us a discount code “Glass15” This episode is a MUST LISTEN! BTDubsssss….This is the last week to apply for the Coach Glass Mentorship. More info and application at I want to also take this time to thank our sponsors @performbetter for hosting 67 FREE educational seminars all summer in their #SummerSummitSeries Use discount code: GLASS15 for 15% off your purchases. And @mytpi for providing online certification options all through 2020 to help you get the education you need to be the best Profesional in the biz! Sign up today!