Middle aged athletes are the most complex clients I get the opportunity to work with. You have big goals and high expectations. The problem is, your lifestyle and responsibilities at this phase of your life, create an environment that isn’t conducive to accomplishing those goals. You are a parent, you have responsibilities at work, deadlines, early mornings, late nights, aches and pains in a body that just doesn’t recover like it use to, endless emails, needy clients and a significant other that sets expectations that you will never meet. With all this weighing on your shoulders you still find time to dream of a better body, better golf game, a desire to take care of yourself better and carve out some quality time for yourself. Nope! Cant do that! That is selfish! This weeks podcast I go DEEP into strategies to help you accomplish the life you desire and deserve. When you follow these techniques you will see the effects in all other aspects of your life.  Need guidance, inspiration and insight to get your #DreamBIG moving in the right direction?