I am blessed to have a mentor like Al Vermeil in my life. He constantly challenges my belief structure and tweaks things in my thought process that force me to progress and grow as a strength coach. I cherish the times I have with Al as his phone calls are always unexpected and full of gems. I was fortunate enough to record my last conversation with Al and it won’t disappoint. We go DEEP into rate of force, range of motion and how reducing one can increase the other and create amazing power gains. We talk speed, technique and long held myths about strength training. My favourite part of our conversations, always revolve around what it means to be a coach. We talk about our mentors and Al shares a story that will break your heart and inspire you to be a better coach! Cant thank Al enough for sharing his wisdom with us all. Start the #WeWantVermeil chant and lets get Al back on the @performbetter stage so more young coaches can learn the foundations of what it takes to be a world class coach! If you want to train using my #LoadXplode 16 week online follow along training program simply go to http://jasonglasslab.com I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. K-Motion @kmotion3d http://k-motion.com has blown the doors off the baseball world with their Baseball Certification. Perform Better @performbetter http://performbetter.com use code “GLASS19” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells and bands. MyTPI http://www.mytpi.com/certification/seminar-calendar for upcoming dates and event. Without them I wouldn’t be able to afford the time and produce the podcast to the level we do each and every week.