The best way to find inspiration is to inspire others and reflect their inspiration on to yourself. When you help others you are in an essence helping yourself. The script we give others is a reflection of the self we want to be. I am not saying that this should be your purpose for helping others but if you open yourself up to opportunity to learn from those you coach or interact with you may just become inspired yourself. Have you ever found yourself giving a close friend advice about their marriage and gleamed insight into your own relationship. If you think your advice is so valid for them, why don't you take your own advice in your own affairs. I just completed my 7th Annual Coach Glass Mentorship and my Inspiration Cup runneth over! I had to get my thoughts on wax so this episode is a special one. I hope you get some inspiration form my words and they inspire you to inspire others. I am launching my Fall Tournament Player LoadXplode Training Program Sept 10nd. If you or an athlete you coach wants to get in on this follow along 16 week training program go to I want to give a special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show. K-Motion @kmotion3d , Perform Better @performbetter use code “GLASS19” at checkout. MyTPI and Travis Mathew Without them I wouldn’t be able to afford the time and produce the podcast to the level we do each and every week.