The Keto Diet is NOT ideal for competitive golfers! There, I said it! Now take your shots. “No way Jay! You don’t know what you are talking about! What about so and so and that athlete that won the so and so?” Everyone should use Intermittent Fasting 3 days a week! “What? Are you freaking kidding me? You miss breakfast and you will become a communist!” I believe clubbing baby seals will increase clubhead speed! “Whaaaaattttt????? Jay! YOU ARE A &%$#@…ohhh I see what you did there…” Nutrition is such a hot topic that people take so personally. Religion and politics have been replaced with what diet you are on. “I broke up with Suzy! Turned out she was eating carbs behind my back.” In this episode I go DEEP into the Keto and Intermittent Fasting fads and share why my athletes my use some of these tactics some of the time but switch it up come game time! Just listen. You can’t have an opinion if you haven’t heard the argument. Enjoy! “Hey hun! Can you order me a bulletproof vest from Amazon?” Go to and check out their K-Coach and The Loop membership. You need to get the new wrist sensors if you want to master club face control with your golfers. Take the K-Vest on the range, in the bunker or out on the course. Test never guess with K-Vest! Everyone knows by now that @travismathew provides the Coach with all his fresh gear! Check out their #TMACTIVE line of clothing for the coolest pre, post and during workout gear. If you want to look fresh to death… visit Follow the same program I use to train some of the world's best rotational athletes? Sign up for yourself or give it as a gift! Get for $39/month at the Next Level: Full follow along 16 week training program that will help you Load…and Xplode!!!! Go to and check out their full line of functional training equipment and put “COACHGLASS” in the discount box for 15% of your purchase. Make sure you visit @mytpi and check out our 2018 seminar schedule and get Level 1 TPI certified today! And as always…..#DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Cheers! Coach Glass