Greg Redman has worked at 6 Olympic Games, countless X Games and has helped some of the world’s top athletes from pro & amateur golf, NHL hockey, freestyle skiing, canoe, kayak, speed skating, cycling and everything in between! Greg could be the most diversely decorated support team member on the planet. More importantly than that.. he is one of my best friends and former roommate which always makes for a great conversation! In this episode we catch up on his experience at the Rio Olympics and what a day in the life is like for the professionals behind the scenes helping the Olympic superstars perform at their best. We also geek out on aerobic capacity, training, recovery techniques and Greg’s return to competitive kayak. This is the 2nd appearance of Greg Redman on the #CoachGlassPodcast. The first one (CGP Ep17) was one hundred and thirty one episodes ago! Wow just writing that blows my mind. Thank you to each and everyone of you for being loyal Glisteners and being a part of the Coach Glass community! Thank you also to our sponsors @kvest3d @perform_better @mytpi We couldn’t do it without you all! Cheers! Coach Glass