#PayToPlay #USsoccer
How to FIX?
1. Reward clubs that develop players with $ and recourses & punish clubs that don’t
2. Provide free coaching education to low economic areas
3. Take funding from pay to play programs and do experimental inner city programs and establish clubs pay a full time DOC to teach and identify talent
     -Establish incentives to coaches/recruiters to identify talent

4. Take risk and stop listening to the same authors of destruction to dictate new policy. Hire leadership that have a willingness to adopt new, drastic change.

5. Commercialize and celebrate coaches and clubs that are doing it right. Have national team players do commercials of the importance of technique

6. Identify athletic talent in the game by 7th Grade and pool those players as Future National Team players. Make it a prestigious award that gives those players a pathway for their development. If we don’t we will lose them in High School.

a. 1pt all passes
b. 1pt for goals
c. 2pts for beating a player 1v1

a. 1 pt defensive half passes
b. 2 pts attacking half passes
c. 1 pt for goals

a. 1 pt for passing forward
b. 0 pts for passing backwards
c. 50 pts for a goal inside the 6yrd box on a 1 touch finish (on the ground)

7. Give the power to the people and let them be creative