This Podcast features Dr Mayank Somani and Dr Ajaya Kumar, two renowned medical experts, who were speakers for the Sustainable Development e-Talks (#SDGtalks) - a special series, co-hosted by CNS and Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Indore from World Health Day (7 April 2020) to World Environment Day (5 June 2020). They spoke on "health impacts of tobacco use."
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Dr Mayank Somani, MD and CEO, Apollo Medics Super-Speciality Hospitals and Chief Consultant, Critical Care, Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine; and Dr Ajaya Kumar, Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine, Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Apollo Medics Super-Speciality Hospitals.
They were in conversation with CNS Managing Editor and Executive Director Shobha Shukla, who is also the coordinator of Asia Pacific media network to end TB & tobacco, and prevent NCDs (APCAT Media).
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