This Podcast features 5th #APCRSHR10 Virtual session on the theme of #ClimateChange and #SRHR in the Asia Pacific”.

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Noelene Nabulivou, co-founder, Diverse Voices and Action for Equality (DIVA), Fiji


Adrian Hayes, School of Demography, Australian National University |“Improving SRHR in an age of climate change and sustainable development”

A B S T R A C T     P R E S E N T A T I O N S

Leiloa Asaasa (SRH and building stronger Samoan communities through the Community Disaster and Climate Risk Management (CDCRM) program)
Safieh Shahriari Afshar (Humanitarian assistance through the provision of SRH services in flood affected areas of Golestan Province, Islamic Republic of Iran by Family Health Association of Iran)
Biplabi Shrestha (Raising the bar on SRHR in the Age of Climate Change through Women and Earth (WORTH) Initiative)Ashish Bajracharya (How Do Environmental Changes Affect the Health and Wellbeing of Vulnerable Populations in South and Southeast Asia: Evidence from Country Studies in Cambodia, India and Pakistan)  (The Population Council's presentation featured three speakers who presented on their experience from Cambodia, Pakistan and India. Dr Ashish Bajracharya, Dr Zeba Sathar and Dr Bidhubhushan Mahapatra)

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#APCRSHR10 virtual

In the wake of the ongoing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic situation, the 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights (APCRSHR10) has evolved from an in-person conference to an ongoing virtual series.On behalf of APCRSHR10 and Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia (RHAC) and CNS, #APCRSHR10 virtual is being hosted every fortnight in the form of 14 online sessions during June to December 2020. #APCRSHR10 Virtual features thematic online sessions with plenary speakers and top-ranking abstract presenters, among other insights and discussions around sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), COVID-19 impact and SDGs in the Asia Pacific regional context.

For more details, please visit: or


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