This week Myke is joined by Casey Liss. They discuss a little about his background, his podcasting endeavours and WWDC.

This week Myke is joined by Casey Liss. They discuss a little about his background, his podcasting endeavours and WWDC.

Guest Starring:

Casey Liss

Links and Show Notes:

This week Myke is joined by Casey Liss. They discuss a little about his background, his podcasting endeavours and WWDC.

Links for this episode:

Casey Liss (caseyliss) on Twitter

Casey's Tumblelog

Accidental Tech Podcast


Marco Arment - Çingleton 2012 on Vimeo

BMW unveils the production i8, a hybrid supercar to challenge Porsche and Ferrari | The Verge

Tesla Shows Off A 90-Second Battery Swap System, Wants It At Supercharging Stations By Year’s End | TechCrunch

5by5 | The Prompt

5by5 | Hypercritical

5by5 | Build and Analyze

ATP Ending Theme (Song A Day #1546) - YouTube

Accidentially-Podcasted by LA King

BQ&A: Casey Liss Of ‘Accidental Tech Podcast’ And All-Around Nice Guy — BitQuill

Infected or Influenced • Mobile Couch • JellyStyle

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