This week we chat about Planet Before Profit, a fundraising exhibition for climate action that Rochelle was asked to participate in! We also discuss what expected of uni vs what it really is like!

We’d love to hear what you think about this ep of Club Scene CHATROOM and what you’d like to see in the future of this pod so don’t shy away from that comment section!

Don't forget next episode of Club Scene CHATROOM will air next week, same day, Thursday 8AM AEST on YouTube, Spotify, Apple & Google Podcasts, and everywhere else we're distributed!!

See you in the comments!

jo + ro


Bob Brown Foundation

The Bob Brown Foundation is all about action with a vision to protect Australia's wild and scenic natural places of ecological and global significance.

The first place on our radar is the stunning Tarkine in a remote part of North West Tasmania.The Tarkine is a vast wilderness area supporting Australia's largest tract of cool temperate rainforest, spanning wild windswept beaches, extensive buttongrass plains and pristine wild rivers. It is of great significance to Tasmania's Aboriginal people and a relict of the ancient continent of Gondwana and related to temperate forests in Patagonia and the South Island of New Zealand.

The Bob Brown Foundation is not directly affiliated with Club Scene CHATROOM.


Joëlle Thomas

Rochelle Oh

Got a project you think we should promote?

[email protected]


Hosted by

Joëlle Thomas

Rochelle Oh

Camera & Edit by

Rochelle Oh