In this episode we talk to Mohamed Faizal, who was one of the first 100 MVPs of Azure who is currently working as a Cloud Solution Architect in Singapore. In this episode we talk about interesting projects like ChrisPay for Singapore Airlines using blockchain as a service to the Cloud custodian program

In this episode we talk to Mohamed Faizal, who was one of the first 100 MVPs of Azure who is currently working as a Cloud Solution Architect in Singapore. In this episode we talk about interesting projects like KrisPay for Singapore Airlines using blockchain as a service to the Cloud custodian program


Show notes 

 01:37 – Faizal talks about his background on how he started off as a DOS Developer, to Lotus Notes migration to PaaS SQL in Azure and being one of the first 100 Azure MVPs in 2011

 06:47 – Faizal talks about the implementation of Loyalty Program (KrisPay) using Blockchain as a Service for Singapore Airlines.

 11:00 – Faizal talks about Cloud Adoption Framework and how Cloud Adoption Framework helps with the compliance requirements for customers.

12:27 – How CAF is using cloud agnostic Infrastructure as a Code implementation using Terraform.

15:07 – We discuss the hub and spoke model for both networking as well as an overall subscription purpose.

20:50  – We discuss, how the detect and auto – remediation of subscription policies.

22:07 – Faizal talks about the open source solution – Cloud Custodian and how he leveraged this to solve the business problem.

26:00 – Faizal talks about the waste water management solution. He talks about they used 200000 IoT sensors to monitor water quality, collect data using stream analytics, and leverage Azure ML to predict the chemical usage to treatment.

29:12 – Faizal talks about his advice for new Azure Architects. Understanding customer needs and problem statement first before jumping to technical solutions is great advice.

 31:08 – Advice to keep up with the latest updates on Azure – Run user groups. Commit to the user group which makes learning mandatory. Follow Azure Updates, and Product Management team on twitter, listening to podcasts like Azure Friday, Kubernetes podcast by google, AWS podcast.

Faizal’s Linkedin in account –’s Twitter account –  @kmdfaizalCAF using Terraform on github – airlines story – Friday podcast – podcast – podcast –Azure Product Management Team twitter handle –

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