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What would you say are the most things that Chronicle is trying to address today? What are the good ways to use threat intel to detect threats that do not ruin your SOC? What does “autonomic” security mean, anyway? Is this a fancy way of saying “automatic” or something more? For sure, “the Cloud is not JUST someone else’s computer“ - but how does this apply to threat detection? What makes threat detection “cloud-native”? What kinds of ML magic does your mini UEBA inside SCC use? Can you really do automated remediation in the cloud?


Google Cloud Security Summit “Making Invisible Security a Reality with Google” keynote “Security Analytics at Google Speed and Scale” presentation by Anton “Managing Your Security Posture on Google Cloud” presentation by Tim “Stop Trying to Take Humans Out of SOC … Except … Wait… Wait… Wait…” blog Chronicle main site Threat Detection in Logs in Google Cloud SCC video “Modern Threat Detection at Google” (episode 17)  “Automate and/or Die?” (episode 3)