
Iman Ghanizada,   Solutions Manager for Security Operations & Analytics @ Google Cloud


What is your book “Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect All-in-One Exam Guide” about?  What was your journey into writing this book, how long did it take? The book seems to be targeted towards Cloud Architects, but you come from a predominantly security background, how has that influenced your writing of this book? What does this have to do with The Certs Guy (14 certs!?)  and what's his mission? What’s the intersectional thinking on certificates and making our industry more accessible and inclusive? Do certs help or hurt this? So what’s your advice on certs for various career stages? What are some of the biggest architectural challenges you’ve seen in the field of Cloud Security?


Book "Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect All-in-One Exam Guide" TheCertsGuy site