
Robin Shostack, Security Program Manager, Google

Jibran Ilyas, Managing Director Incident Response, Mandiant, Google Cloud


You talk about “teamwork under adverse conditions” to describe expedition behavior (EB). Could you tell us what it means?

You have been involved in response to many high profile incidents, one of the ones we can talk about publicly is one of the biggest healthcare breaches at this time. Could you share how Expedition Behavior played a role in our response?  

Apart from during incident response which is almost definitionally an adverse condition, how else can security teams apply this knowledge?

If teams are going to embrace an expeditionary behavior mindset, how do they learn it? It’s probably not feasible to ship every SOC team member off to the Okavango Delta for a NOLS course. Short of that, how do we foster EB in a new team?

How do we create it in an existing team or an under-performing team?



EP174 How to Measure and Improve Your Cloud Incident Response Readiness: A New Framework

EP103 Security Incident Response and Public Cloud - Exploring with Mandiant

EP98 How to Cloud IR or Why Attackers Become Cloud Native Faster?

“Take a few of these: Cybersecurity lessons for 21st century healthcare professionals” blog

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