2021 was a  busy year for cloud databases, with startups like Cockroach Labs, DataStax, and SingleStore challenging larger, established vendors like Oracle, IBM, and SAP. And of course the Big 3 cloud providers  - Microsoft, AWS, and Google Cloud.

There’s a lot of momentum carrying into 2022. A few observations on products and platforms.  

First, I expect we will see more Exabyte-size databases, which are 1,000 times larger than the petabyte databases that many businesses operate today. We’re moving into the realm of extreme data, and that’s going to require even greater scalability than most companies are experienced with. That will be a challenge.Second, database migrations from on-premises systems to the cloud will continue to be a major trend, and not always an easy one, which will require new tools and services. Database migrations can actually take weeks and even months to complete.Third, database management is getting easier. Cloud database providers have begun offering fully managed services,  "serverless" capabilities, and autonomous databases, all of which reduce the amount of provisioning and hands-on management required.And finally, more business people will begin to pay attention to who has access to data and where data is stored, which means conversations about governance and data distribution will become more of a line of business conversation.

A few comments about the competitive landscape. I see 3 major trends.

"Immovable objects meet irresistible forces." Immovable objects are the deeply rooted vendors like Oracle and IBM, and irresistible forces are the cloud-native startups. These emerging companies are coming on strong, and the old guard must continue reinventing themselves.The Big 3 cloud providers are the new center of gravity for data management. AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure have momentum with their portfolios of purpose-built databases, and other cloud services like analytics and AI.And last, Snowflake, with its data cloud model, has leap frogged old style centralized data warehouses. I expect more database providers to offer their own Snowflake-like services.

For more on the latest trends in the cloud database market, register for Acceleration Economy's Cloud Database Battleground on January 27, 2022. The digital event will be hosted by John Foley, editor of the Cloud Database Report and database analyst with Acceleration Economy. Registration is free. 

Participating companies include Couchbase, Cockroach Labs, DataStax, Redis, SingleStore, and Yugabyte. Each vendor will answer the same five questions:

How does your database help organizations manage data at scale and speed to lead their industry?When customers talk about becoming a data-driven organization and creating new revenue streams with data, how do you help them make that a reality?What are the top reasons developers and IT teams want to use your cloud database for the first time?In what ways does your cloud database simplify data distribution and sharing across hybrid, multi-cloud, and edge environments?How does your cloud database provide a trusted data environment through access, security, privacy, and governance controls?