Welcome to today's Cloud Based Real Estate Brokerage TOPOS & TALK #3- I have so many things going through my head every day about Real Estate that I just want to get it all out. I get asked so many questions about real estate every day. And, coach so many agents that it's time to answer all of those in depth questions while I sip on my Topo Chico.

In today’s episode I do a deep dive into It's okay to be your Authentic self. In all social media platforms, you will see me and Jackson. We dominate YouTube and Facebook with an organic content. We've been honest on saying that we've actually paid a company, two or three to run our Instagram account, our tech talk account, our Facebook account and all the things. Even our Google. Like Google ads. We've done YouTube ads, but not YouTube ads in the sense of for real estate business. It was for something else and what it all comes back down to as none of those platforms actually drive calls, deals or sales to our business, there's always an opportunity to gain incremental business on all platforms in my opinion. But when you've built your entire industry for business on organic content. People will absolutely love it. Just like this topos and talk, it's 100% organic of me. Just talking about whatever's on my mind. That's the way that we built our entire YouTube business. It's basically just us telling stories about what people want to hear, and when you look at our Instagram Channel Junkies account, we barely pick up any followers. From this scripted content that we have created or clipped out content from the content we've already created and we've picked up very few subscribers or followers, we rarely get any comments. But when we post our authentic real content on our personal account and on our business accounts, the response is freaking bonkers. I could do whenever we feel like we want to do some content, we start shooting it and we just talk about whatever we want to talk about. Or you hire someone to follow you around to create real content. That is you. So I don't recommend the latter one because that gets really expensive and typically it's somebody editing it in a sense that they're trying to create a TV show. More of being your authentic self listen to this chill and exciting episode!

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