Welcome to today's Cloud Based Real Estate Brokerage TOPOS & TALK #26- I have so many things going through my head every day about Real Estate that I just want to get it all out. I get asked so many questions about real estate every day. And, coach so many agents that it's time to answer all of those in depth questions while I sip on my Topo Chico.

In today’s episode I do a deep dive into  It’s Time to Sharpen Your Skills Boys & Girls. If you listen to my last podcast you heard me talking about how the interest rates ****** me and how it is going as agents are being tested right now. I have talked to my group today and somebody asked me in the, "What are you the five things or what are the best practices that agents can be taking? And making right now to make sure that their business is working."  The first thing that I mentioned was Work Ethic (which I talked about on my previous episode). Second is time that you need to be putting into your discipline. Third is skill set. Fourth is consistency, and five is your commitment.  When the market is hot, you have to go pedal to the metal and sell. This is the time where you get to put money on your bank account and there are time when skills don't mean anything. It is like the market is so hot it is whoever has the best communication wins because if you are talking to the other agents what you need to do to get your offer expected is you are waiving every contingency in the world. It takes no skills at all to write a high priced offer wave every contingency and just communicate to find out what that top offer is zero skills, except for some communication. 

My advice to anyone listening is making sure that you're rehoming your skills and understand what the markets are on a daily basis. This can't be on a weekly basis right now. This has to be on a daily basis. Things are moving like quicker than flowing water. It is literally crazy. Things can change day to day. And things are going to change for the next couple of months. They are going to change dramatically, now it's not going to go back and forth, it's just going to keep heading more towards. The real estate market is the new normal, the back to normal is feeling like crap. The normal baseline will start to creep back up after a while of normality. Unfortunately, we are going from crazy real estate market to normal pretty quickly. And it's like when code hit us, we probably remember that every single one of our deals terminated. And then guess what happened. Everyone thought the market was going to collapse. Everyone thought the market was gonna collapse. I literally did a video right when COVID hit and I said the market is going to fizzle up and it is going to be the hottest real estate market ever. I knew exactly what was going to happen because I saw exactly what all the clients were doing.  I read a report the other day that said 50% of the top agents in the industry last year did 90% of the real estate deals. Why is that? It is because they are consistently educating themselves. And staying in the fight, that's what you have to do. You have to stay in the fight, stay aware, stay knowledgeable. Sharpen your skills. Put in effective work and what might be effective work is spending one hour on generating leads or generating business or doing whatever it takes to draw some business up. Be very, very disciplined and follow your game plan. This is not the time to let outside distractions. Take your eye off the ball for the last 24 months. 

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