Welcome to today's Cloud Based Real Estate Brokerage TOPOS & TALK #10 - I have so many things going through my head every day about Real Estate that I just want to get it all out. I get asked so many questions about real estate every day. And, coach so many agents that it's time to answer all of those in depth questions while I sip on my Topo Chico.

In today’s episode I do a deep dive into Corporate life before real estate. How is the transition like coming out of the brewing industry getting into real estate? Basically how did you transition from corporate America into real estate and what that path was and what was your mentality? Why not share how transition dramatically change my story 5 years ago. I got my real estate licensed pre licensing coursework three times before I ever actually get my license three times and what always happen is I get a promotion or business would get good and I was like I can't quit it, like I can't go from making you know six figures to making zero. This is what happens a lot of times in people's lives, is that takes something where you are so sick and tired of the pain. That it forces you into make a decision. Tony Robbins talks about this all the time, that people will avoid pain, which naturally pushes you towards pleasure. Very rarely do people make decisions based on just moving towards pleasure because moving towards pleasure creates uncomfortable uncharted territories that people don't like to be a part of. It's very natural for us to live in an environment that's familiar and comfortable with us. And if you just want to make change, you want to live a life that you've always desired. That's what you have to do. Things you've never done. We will. We've all heard those amazing sayings.

First of July, I quit my corporate job. I actually got my real estate license on July 3rd of 2017 and it was probably the most exciting day of my life the last day in the beer industry. I quit the beer industry before I even got my real estate license. That's how confident I was and everyone that wants to quit their jobs and go part time and all these things. Those are OK ideas. I'm not a huge fan of it unless you know like a specific day that you're going to quit, but I feel like if you are confident in yourself you're going to make it happen if you have a Plan B. It's never going to work because that Plan B is always going to be on your mind. You always know there gonna be the safety net, so my suggestion is just to always go all in, rip the band aid off, get around the people that are doing it the right way and make it happen. Don't be obsessed and don't be worried. It takes real hustle, dedication to and real work to get those deals at the end of the day. More of my story to listen people!

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