This episode's guest is Keyan Kousha, founder of Stacker News.

Stacker News is a user-generated, feed-style news platform, modeled after Hacker News, but with the important distinction of having natively-integrated bitcoin lightning payments, as a means of fostering more natural communities (think less spam and antisocial behavior), cultivating high-signal bitcoin content, and providing a better user experience overall.

Stacker News is still in the very early days of its development, but it's a great showcase of how bitcoin can be used to improve upon an existing model, and in doing so, explore how improved incentives might influence media publishing, monetization, and moderation.

Keyan is a prime example of someone who caught the bitcoin bug, and just couldn't resist getting involved. The result is a product built with and for bitcoiners, and it was great to have him on the show to explain more about his motivations and ambitions.


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Twitter: @k00bideh

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Twitter: @johnkvallis & @Seetee_io

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