“Can I just call you back? I’m just too busy right now.”

When your prospect tells you this, don’t fret. Instead of chasing prospects, make sure you grab this opportunity to position yourself as a trusted authority. 


Don’t allow yourself to be commoditized. 


Show your prospects that your time is valuable, and they’ll value it as well. 


In this short snippet, I show you exactly what I would say in this situation. Check this out now! 


By getting better at objection handling, you’ll get closer to making deals happen and becoming a top producer in your company and then in your industry.


Follow us on YouTube and visit our Sales Revolution Facebook Group to get more of these tips. 



Join the Sales Revolution: If you’re ready to do sales differently, you’re in the right place. This community is for entrepreneurs and sales pros to connect, grow, + learn the new (and highly improved) connection-based way of selling. https://www.facebook.com/groups/salesrevolutiongroup