As the clinical research ecosystem becomes more site and patient centric, I was curious about what an ideal software stack looks like for clinical research sites.

It goes without saying you need a laptop and stable internet connection to do business in this day and age.

But what else do you need to keep yourself organized as a clinical research site? 

How can a clinical trial site bring most value to their research participants, run a profitable research operation, and not overwork employees with administrative tasks?

To answer these questions and more, I invited Ryan Jones to join me on the show. If this is your first time listening to Ryan, I also invite you to check out my earlier interview with Ryan, Solving Clinical Research Problems Using Technology, episode #12, of the show.

Aside from the technology discussion, I’m a huge fan of the company culture that Ryan and his leadership team at Florence Healthcare have created for their employees. We wrap up the episode with a couple of great book recommendations that you might be interested in reading.

I hope you enjoy my conversation with Ryan Jones.

Ryan Jones on LinkedIn and Twitter 

Florence Healthcare on LinkedIn and Twitter

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