“We’re at the threshold of an astounding period in medical discovery” - Manuel Prado Manuel Prado is an amazing individual who has founded three companies in the clinical space. He spent much of his youth in Peru and worked in investment banking before transitioning into medical transcription and real-world data.  Manuel and I had an amazing conversation about how we’re missing a lot of eligible patients in clinical trials by only focusing on EMR and claims data and his solution to address issues with clinical data sources. We also talked about life philosophy, clinical resources that can take your career to a different level and the pace of change in the life sciences industry. Hope you enjoy my interview with the all amazing Manuel Prado. About Manuel Prado Spending much of his youth in Lima, Peru, Manuel Prado attended Southern Methodist University before beginning his career in investment banking. When presented with an opportunity to take a year’s sabbatical to travel the globe, he took it, meeting his now-wife in Thailand before returning to his California home. Inspired by his cultural journey, Prado soon founded the first of his three companies, VIVA Transcription Corporation, which developed patent-pending technology that brought the company national brand presence in the field of medical transcription, serving over 7,000 physicians across all 50 states and employing more than 400 people globally.In 2010, Manuel Prado began to transition away from the daily management of VIVA and founded RealHealthData, which provides real-world healthcare insights derived from medical transcription documents. With virtually real-time data coming from over 100,000 physicians across the country from every possible specialty, RealHealthData boasts a client list which includes many of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Prado is also the founder of Adhearx, a company that collects data from automated phone calls to patients, which reveal the true causes of medication non-adherence. About This Podcast Episode Listen to it on iTunes.Stream by clicking here.Download as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as.” Selected Links from the Episode Connect with Manuel Prado on LinkedIn The Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation  (CISCRP) The New England Journal of Medicine Kevin Kelly & The Inevitable Brene Brown 750 Words 5 Minute Journal Fierce Pharma Fierce CRO Fierce Biotech Fierce Medtech Center Watch Modern Medicine PM360 Pharmaceutical Executive Real Health Data Adhearx Show Notes: Manuel’s journey into clinical research [01:48] Medical transcription and the problem RealHealthData is trying to solve [05:34] Analyzing claims and EMR data and how it’s impacting recruitment in clinical trials [08:57] What physicians are looking at when making referrals to specialists  [10:54]How clinical data companies can engage with sponsors [19:00] FDA and real-world data [27:52] Impact of real-world data on clinical roles [30:09] The pace of change in life science industry [35:52] Why you should consider journaling [43:17] Sabbatical and surfing [48:17] Passion and life philosophy  [53:17] Where is reliable data coming from and what clinical researchers should focus on [55:29] Morning routine, staying focused and not getting distracted  [59:17] Making mistakes and not failure [1:00:52] Two issues with data sources: Timeliness of data and data on female and minority participants [1:07:00] QUESTION: What was your favorite lesson from this episode? Leave me a comment below and thanks for listening.